Keenan Corporate Finance Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Authorisation No. 583172)

Tom Keenan, Scott Murray, Thomas McKenna, Ian Davison and Chris McNeill are Licensed Insolvency Practitioners, authorised and regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (Licence Numbers 8696, 14096, 22530, 25392 and 29270 respectively).

All Insolvency Practitioners are bound by the Insolvency Code of Ethics when carrying out professional work relating to an Insolvency appointment.

Keenan Corporate Finance Ltd, Tom Keenan, Scott Murray, Thomas McKenna, Ian Davison and Chris McNeill are Data Controllers registered with the Information Commissioners Office under the Data Protection Act (registration numbers Z3654951, ZA060345, ZA021688, ZA505258, ZB181418 and ZB554814 respectively).


We would hope to be able to resolve the majority of complaints internally. If you have any issues or wish to discuss any areas for improvement, please contact Tom Keenan initially.

However, if your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction you have the right to raise any complaint via the Complaints Gateway administered by the Insolvency Service (GB). A Complaint can be raised through the Complaints Gateway by either post (Insolvency Service, IP Complaints, 3rd Floor, 1 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9DA), Email ( or Phone (0845 602 9848).

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Our professional indemnity insurers are Prosure Solutions Limited on behalf of Lloyds London Syndicate. They can be contacted via Lockton Companies LLP, 22 Rutland Street, Edinburgh, EH1 2AN. The territorial coverage is Worldwide excluding USA and Canada.


Our VAT registration number is 938 9283 67.

CVA Standard Terms & Conditions

Creditors can view and download our standard terms and conditions for CVAs below:

Creditors Guides to Fees

Creditors can view and download guides to fees in relation to the various insolvency appointment types: